Wednesday 25 March 2009

Muslim Council of Britain

Associated Press of Pakistan, UK Muslim body declare anti-extremism strategy unproductive, 24 Mar 09 "A meeting of over 200 prominent Muslim civic and religious leaders affirmed their commitment to equality and inclusiveness of the Muslim community in British society and termed the British Government anti‑extremism strategy known as ‘CONTEST 2’ as counter‑productive.

"The gathering met at Birmingham’s Central Mosque was attended by grass roots representatives from a cross section of Muslim opinion, tradition and thought from all over the United Kingdom."

See MCB statement.

Also see, Home Office unveils CONTEST2 strategy, 24 Mar 09

Related to the MCB is this piece from Channel 4:

Also see Office for Security and Counter Terrorism, The United Kingdom’s Strategy for Countering International Terrorism [pdf 2MB]

Guardian overview: Guardian, Hazel Blears' standoff with Muslim Council overshadows new anti-terror launch, 25 Mar 09 "A standoff between the communities secretary, Hazel Blears, and the Muslim Council of Britain was said last night to "cut to the heart" of the government's revised counter-terror strategy to challenge those who defend terrorism and violent extremism.

"Blears has suspended official links with the MCB over allegations that its deputy general secretary endorsed a Hamas call for attacks on foreign troops, including possibly British troops, if they try to intercept arms smuggled into Gaza."