Wednesday 24 February 2010

'Prevent' and 'Generation Jihad'

Anwar Akhtar, Guardian, Comment is free, Prevent – back to the drawing board, 23 Feb 2010 "Generation Jihad showed tensions that have arisen from the Prevent programme. Prevent's whole starting point is Muslims and problems, which misses the equal responsibility of the western political establishment for the problems we all face from a tiny number of fascistic Islamic extremists."

Refers to Generation Jihad, which was on the BBC on Monday night. I haven't seen these programmes yet (I Sky+-ed them). The article also refers to a piece by Arun Kundnani

The latest (and final) episode can be found on iPlayer (UK viewers only), together with earlier episodes:

"Peter Taylor investigates what Britain is doing to counter the threat of violent extremism. In 2010, 140 million pounds will be spent to win the battle for the hearts and minds of young Muslims, but the policy risks alienating many in Britain's Muslim communities. With unique access to a man who came face to face with al-Qaeda and the inside story of how police managed to thwart would-be suicide bombers, the programme examines the biggest single threat to national security."

The Prevent page is here